Wednesday 23 May 2012

1 Pound - 3500 calories


Well this week I lost just the one pound, but that's OK. I still feel very confident and happy with my progress. Mainly my fitness. Doing something every day I'm sure is the key. I didn't completely stick to my points last week, had a few binges. Probably due to me feeling low. I've been working 2 low income jobs for a few months and scraping by. Food choices have been effected greatly by the lack of money and that has put pressure on my goals. I just want to be healthy.

I spoke to my doctor the other day about pains in my hands and feet and bad circulation and she said these symptoms are a reaction to lack of exercise, being overweight for so long and also side-effects from being Bulimic for so many years. So my healthy lifestyle change for me has become my number one goal.

The good news is that I have been offered full-time in a care home (which isn't ideal) but I can afford now to eat well, study, a gym  membership perhaps and save for trip to Japan in December to visit family. Which is actually my weight loss target. I want to be a size 12 for that trip, I've been overweight forever and would love to be a healthy size in Japan because I've always visited and been jealous at how youthful and more energetic my grandparents out there are. I'd like to stay out there secretly for a while and teach, I love Japan and being near my siblings.

Anyway I now have 63 pounds to lose so my goal this week is 3 pounds!!! That should sit me nicely in the late 50's but it will get smaller Mwa ha ha!!

Saturday 19 May 2012

The Magic of 64



Have been following Weight Watchers as mentioned before. I honestly cant put enough confidence in this diet. The fact that all fruit and veg (apart from a couple) are  zero points really makes it easy.  Also I'm impressed with the weekly allowance that you have which means that if you really need to eat out or have a bit more you have a lot of points available, it kinda takes the panic eating moments away and that feeling that "i ate too much already, might as well carry on".

The best thing is in this last 3 weeks I've lost 6 pounds!!! making it only 64 left to go.  I cant wait until I'm in the 50's. There's a few things that I feel is helping me. I hate to say it but I feel the initial increase in exercise is helping a great deal. I've walked to work a few times (roughly 7 miles there and back) been cycling to my other job (5 mile round trip) and going on the Wii fit for 40 mins when I have a day off.

I've also found it hard to stick to my points so I've been naughty and decided to only have a banana and watermelon for breakfast. It might sound insufficient (I love big breakfasts) but it definitely stave's of my hunger and I can save my points for later in the day.

I'm also eating something before a meal like I'll have a small bowl of yogurt with ground almonds and honey before lunch, watermelon or peaches before dinner. just to help bulk out the meal so you feel satisfied. I'm enjoying this diet a great deal and although when i calculate my calories its around 1900 a day I'm eating, the exercise takes some away too so the diet isn't so bad in those terms. I also think that a high fiber high protein diet makes your body work better and your health increases to which excess weight will be flushed out quicker.

All in all am very happy, I feel healthy. Eating lots of watermelon and taking care of myself. Keep imagining me slim and healthy and so glad I'm in a good place to do this.

Thursday 26 April 2012

The beginning of a journey- Stuck in the 70's

Everything in the universe starts with a beginning, so this blog should not be any different.  

Although its very cliche talking about ones own self journey in a blogging environment , there is something about wanting to share ones quests with others. It would probably be more interesting if it was a sword yielding quest, with dragons and moats; but it isn't! its my blog about the journey of a fat girl striving to let go of her issues and become a healthy girl who in turn will live a longer happier life.

For anyone that knows me really well, I've always been of the negative genre towards life and over thought much of the things I'm subjected to. Also you will know that I have had a rough time up until now, and I've definitely been struggling with getting my feet in the now of my life. Well actually I find it very hard to just relax and embrace the now.  

Last year I recovered from an eating disorder I'd been battling with for a long time. There was a great strength inside me I didn't know about which helped me fight it.  Now having had some time to adapt to a 'normal' approach to food without the panic and self-loathing, I'm ready to start getting my life moving again.

I have been for months felt very stuck, and having just gone though a deep bout of depression I've started having some counseling and started listening to the things I preach to my friends.

Firstly, I eat way too much as a self punishment and as of Monday I have stopped doing this.  It makes me sick and it makes me miserable and fat. When I look in the mirror I don't see a fat person. I see a stranger!

I never meant to turn out unemployed, fat, depressed, unfit with bad circulation and watching TV all day.  What happened to my love of Yoga and Running? Meeting up with friends, traveling and my mojo?! I mean if I'm going to be sat around depressed because I'm overwhelmed by the world then what was the point of me being here on this planet in the first place?  I might as well get on and enjoy my life whilst I'm here, whilst I'm 24 and young and in the prime of my life.

So this Monday I joined Weightwatchers Online to help vamp my life up. I like the concept of weight watchers and the food choices.  I've always tried dieting and it never worked but right now I feel ready to put my all into it!

I weighted myself on Monday and was shocked to find at 5"5 I weigh 15 stones and 2 pounds. That's 212 pounds or 96.1 kg!!!! 

So i need to lose 5 stones, 70 pounds, 35 kg to be a healthy weight.

I really want to get fit and healthy like I was before and I really want to actually achieve his for once because I've been overweight for 11 years now and my body will eventually start to struggle with the excess weight. 

I went for a run this morning which was so painful but I feel better for it so hopefully will be able to maintain it :-)

I'm going to blog as much as I can with ideas and support for those who are also doing weight watchers.
Kindly Alexis